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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Post Production Questionnaire

1) How would you rank the appearance of the front cover of this magazine
[1 = Excellent 4 = Poor]
1              2                3                  4
2) How would you rank the appearance of the contents page of this magazine
[1 = Excellent 4 = Poor]
1              2                3                  4
3) How would you rank the appearance of the double page spread of this magazine
[1 = Excellent 4 = Poor]
1              2                3                  4
4) Would you purchase this magazine?
Yes / No / Not interested in this music genre.
If yes, why? …………..
If no, why? …………
5) Do you think that the models are appropriate for this music genre?
Yes               No
Explain your answer…………………
6) Do you think that the chosen fonts are appropriate for this music genre?
Yes               No
Explain your answer…………………
7) Do you think that the colour scheme is appropriate for this music genre?
Yes               No
Explain your answer…………………
Do you think that the conent listed is appropriate for this music genre?
Yes               No
Explain your answer…………………
[About the front cover] “I like the colours. They’re bright and refreshing but still easy on the eye. The background is plain, yet affective, however a bit more information could of been added.”
[About the contents] “You can tell they’re from the same magazine, the colour scheme is similar and it works. I like how simple it is. The fonts used could be similar.”
[About the article] “The background could benefit from some colour, but then again standard articles tend to be plain black… I like the photos, and the font for the heading. They are the first things I look at.”

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