Welcome To My Media Studies Blog

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Weekly Updates - Week 2

This week I started organising my production schedule, so that I knew when I was going to design what, so that I could keep in time and have enough time to design everything.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Weekly Updates - Week 1

This week, I gathered all my information for my magazine and designed a pre post questionnaire which I then asked my fellow classmates to fill out. I then went about gathering all the information necessary to go about designing my magazine. I found this week interesting as it was like the build up to constructing my music magazine.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Pre Post Questionnaire

Pre Questionnaire

1)    What gender are you? Tick your required box


2)    What genre of magazine are you most interested in? Put a tally in the box.


3)    How much would you spend on average on a magazine?

50p – 75p
75p - £1.00
£1.00 – £1.20
£1.20 - £1.50

4)    Where do you/would you buy your magazines from?

Local Retail Store
W-H Smiths
Don’t read a magazine

5)    Do you read a magazine?



6)    If so, do you read it weekly or monthly?


Friday 10 September 2010

This is an updated blog, containing my given task for the year of AS Media Studies, the task was to use planning and research to do a preliminary task (school magazine), then use this knowledge to complete a second magazine (a music magazine) accompanied by a contents page and a double page spread, my work was done on Adobe Photoshop CS3

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Production Schedule 2010/2011

Preliminary Task (September) - I hope to start and complete my preliminary task of making a school magazine within the September month.

Research & Planning (October)- I hope to do all my research and planning within the October month, inlcuding questionnaires and graphs etc.

Construction of Music Magazine (November)- I hope to start and finish my construction of my music magazine within the November month, that is the front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Evaluation of Coursework (December)- I hope to finish evaluating my music magazine in the december month, including post questionnaires that I will ask my peers etc.